ALEC · farmers · stealing from poor giving to wealthy · trump


Trump  Koch ALEC abuse of animals and farmers: Chicken Run Everybody!Trump  Koch ALEC abuse of animals and farmers: Chicken Run Everybody!

Chicken Run Everybody: Trump  Koch ALEC abuse of animals and US farmers to protect Big Corps

 Farmers already concerned with President Donald Trump’s policies on trade and immigration just got another reason to worry.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture this week delayed implementation of an Obama administration rule aimed at making it easier for livestock producers to sue the large meat-processing companies they contract with over abusive practices.

The USDA Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyard Administration rule, proposed in 2010 and approved by the Obama administration in December, had been set to take effect later this month. The USDA postponed it for at least six months.

The government delay was welcomed by industry groups, including the National Chicken Council, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the National Pork Producers Council. The groups claim the rule would welcome frivolous, “government-sanctioned” lawsuits targeting corporations, and could raise prices for consumers and put farmers out of business.

 rest of article:

Small farmers, growers pushed to the side by Trump and the Greedy Corp Evil Killer Clowns:

2.Chicken Run Everybody: Trump  Koch ALEC abuse of animals and US farmers to protect Big Corps

Chicken Run Everybody: Trump  Koch ALEC abuse of animals and US farmers to protect Big Corps

picture 3: Chicken Run Everybody: Trump  Koch ALEC abuse of animals and US farmers to protect Big Corps, chicken

Trump  Koch ALEC abuse of animals and farmers: Chicken Run Everybody!

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2  7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
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Gateway Articles linking to Article Series of 4-12 Parts:

     tell 10 of bully signs, Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder mental health, political vampire gangsters pirates, stop bullies, stop bully trump, trump liar deceit news,
    bully · bullycide · devoss · intervention


    Bullies. Many are narcissists and budding psychopaths. Others, perhaps 60% are caught up with
    a. the overall culture of bullying, which is a promotion of bullying, the thug / thuggee goon minion form of copying and fitting into the major problem: White Male Dominance and Vilifying and Scapegoating, even if the bully is not White. It is a copying of the attitude of superior versus inferior, and the use of aggression, violence, trickery, conning, fear mongering, and threat to accomplish one’s goals.
    b. in schools, especially 5th grade on: the pressure on emerging teens to fit in and find a place, and many find gangs or violence as an answer:
    destroy others reputation
    fear threatening
    actual violence, including, and this is common, torture of one child to another or killing

    11-year-old kills himself after texting prank

     Full Article:

    Tyson Benz: Bullycide: 11-year-old kills himself after texting prank
    Tyson Benz: Bullycide


    This is Critical, but not fully solving the problem:

    A. We can understand this social fitting in / puberty / emergent personalities struggle, but we need to intervene a million fold what we are: we need to help children find ways to “emerge” and find social groups in our schools and neighborhoods without the bullying, fear, and violence.

    Our school administrations and state legislators need taken to task for not fully intervening with this, and providing children with the Good “path” of social involvement:
    understanding of bullies and future psychopaths
    daily reinforcement of bully programs
    creation of social integration outlets, such as clubs based on interests
    instruction that tolerance, acceptance, and bully intervention is nothing without “inclusion” of the persons in all opportunities

    Our Federal Government, Department of Education, and National Institute for Mental Health is at fault, but ultimately, we’re at fault because we let things happen. Betsy Devoss, Trump’s pick for Secretary of Education, must also be removed: an uncaring psychopath cannot aid, administer, or consult on a concept of bullying because she IS one.

    B.  The culture in schools can’t change unless the culture of the adults change. You can’t tell children to stop bullying others when the adults are discriminating, marginalizing, not understanding, and victimizing other adults. This is the Adult Culture of Narcissism and Bullying that comes from 2200 years of Paternalistic based culture: Male Domination, Elite Domination. There are metaphors of this Adult Narcissism:
    1. what bridges to your build to understand and include people of all cultures or sides of the railroad tracks?
    2. What do you know about the marginalization of Native Americans?
    3. What do you do to know, understand, and meet with people of other faiths, or even atheists? And, the same goes for refugees, people from India or Pakistan, disabled, Veterans, Pacifists, Gays, Transgenders, Asians, Hispanics? And, what do you do to include them in your life?

    Bullycide: suicide from the trauma of being bullied, a result of PTSD, post trauma stress disorder.

    More on Bullycide and PTSD Coming: be sure to sign up for articles by RSS Reader or email, to the left of this article.

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    2  7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
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    weight training, weight loss, weight lifting, bodybuilding, crossfit, weightloss  hypnosis binaural audio cds

    Gateway Articles linking to Article Series of 4-12 Parts:

       tell 10 of bully signs, Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder mental health, political vampire gangsters pirates, stop bullies, stop bully trump, trump liar deceit news,
      fun · play · tricksters · urinal

      Are you a Trickster?

      In April 1917, everything changed. At least, that is, in the world of art. It was then that the legendary avant-garde French artist and cultural prankster, Marcel Duchamp, conceived a work so controversial in its making and meaning that it would alter forever the way the game of art is played. The work in question was a porcelain urinal that Duchamp quizzically flipped onto its back, signed with a mysterious nom de plume, and called Fountain. Like a genius move by a stealthy chess master, the introduction of Fountain into the history of image-making had the effect of check-mating the art world’s sensibilities, marking the end of one kind of game and the start of another.

      The analogy to chess is more than merely fanciful. Insisting that it “has all the beauty of art and much more”, Duchamp was obsessed with the game. (So obsessed in fact he forfeited significant pieces of his personal and creative life to its pursuit. In November 1927, after having, years earlier, shifted his energies entirely from making art to playing chess, his new wife Lydie had had enough of his incessant strategizing of moves and countermoves. One night, while he was sleeping, she glued the pieces of his set to the board. They divorced a month later.) Duchamp’s mischievous creation of Fountain 100 years ago this month is deeply in accord with the artist’s lifelong inclination towards cerebral playfulness and demonstrates the same skilful sleights of hand that a grandmaster displays when wiping the board clean with his opponents.

      rest of great article:

      The Urinal that Changed how we think: BBC

      funny urinal: Are you a Trickster Too, that Creative Civil Disobedient having fun, playing with life?

      funny urinal: 2 Are you a Trickster Too, that Creative Civil Disobedient having fun, playing with life?

      Click Here: Catalog of Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs

      7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
      2  7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
      abuse hypnosis binaural audio cds

      weight training, weight loss, weight lifting, bodybuilding, crossfit, weightloss  hypnosis binaural audio cds

      Gateway Articles linking to Article Series of 4-12 Parts:

         tell 10 of bully signs, Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder mental health, political vampire gangsters pirates, stop bullies, stop bully trump, trump liar deceit news,
        batman · dark knight returns · film · joker · krays · psychopaths · trump psychopath

        Brothers psychopaths:The Krays / Koch Brothers

        When Brothers are psychopaths: Krays and Koch Brothers

        When why do dictators and psychopaths make loose affiliations with other dictators and psychopaths? See the details of this in One Billion Tricksters book to the left. 

        Kray Brothers:  murderous psychopaths, 40 pts on RARE Psychopath Checklist

        Koch Brothers:  cruel, greedy, without compassion, proponents of wealthy business elite, devious use of Alec to Divide Conquer and Rule of State’s legislatures in order to eliminate government rules and oversight of all businesses but mostly promote their business interests and ideological interests (no taxes, no rules, no environmental controls, no regulations of guns), elimination of any assisted medical care/ public education / opportunities for poor/races/unemployed and the list goes on and on). The Koch Brothers, via, have funded programs of Divide Conquer and Rule the country by the 1 State Legislature at a Time, via training and funding of lobby’s for:
        removal of gun controls via the “tiny steps approach” and the “back door legislation, such as in Idaho and 18 other states
        1.  promoted University Campus Concealed Weapons allowances, when all University and Law Enforcement Entities opposed this
        2. promoted removal of regulations of food production and manufacture industries by the back door small step approach: ban photographers and reporters in Dairies
        3. Promote anti-gay, anti-poor, anti-Hispanic, attitudes to vilify, find some scapegoats to be the “bad guys”, “problems”, take the blame: eliminate the rights of all to access any business: allow businesses to discriminated based on a religious ideal. “Let the States Decide this matter”, is an approach and a veiled con of this Divide Conquer and Rule approach. No Christian should be forced to make a wedding cake for gays if they’re Fundamentalist Christian. This further veils White Male Supremacy and Entitlement, which promotes discrimination and racism and feeds the elite or white: today it’s a cake for the gays, but this also promotes a Hindu not serving a buffet to a Christian family, and thousands of other scenarios.

        Koch Brothers: 38 pts on psychopath checklist pts of 40 max:
        Cruel, devious, self-serving, greedy, compassionless, calculated, discriminatory, White Entitlement, veiled racism, anti-environment, misogynist,
        Without direct killing.

        Trump online rating on checklist 36 pts.
        More articles on this to be posted this week.

        When Brothers are psychopaths: Krays and Koch Brothers   When why do dictators and psychopaths make loose affiliations with other dictators and psychopaths? See the details of this in One Billion Tricksters book to the left.

        President Donald Trump on Saturday night had a friendly chat at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach with twin mega-donor brothers David and Bill Koch, whose family had clashed with Trump during the campaign.

        Three people familiar with the interaction said it occurred when Trump stopped by as the billionaire brothers were eating dinner with conservative media entrepreneur Chris Ruddy, a friend of the president who is a member of Mar-a-Lago and is known to hold court with his guests at the membership-only club.

        The sources describe the chat as agreeable, but did not disclose the subject of the conversation.

        While Bill Koch supported Trump during the general election, David Koch and his older brother Charles Koch sidelined their massive political machine during the presidential campaign in protest of Trump.

        When Brothers are psychopaths: Krays and Koch Brothers meet donald trump , alec,
        Add caption

        Articles below on Koch Brothers, ALEC, and Psychopath Checklist:

        Twin brothers Ronald “Ronnie” Kray (24 October 1933 – 17 March 1995) and Reginald “Reggie” Kray (24 October 1933 – 1 October 2000) were English gangsters who were the foremost perpetrators of organized crime in the East End of London during the 1950s and 1960s.

        Dark Knight Joker 40 pts psychopath checklist: When Brothers are psychopaths:The Krays and Koch Brothers
        Dark Knight Joker 40 pts psychopath checklist: When Brothers are psychopaths:The Krays and Koch Brothers

        gangster meeting Dark Knight returns: Dark Knight Joker 40 pts psychopath checklist: When Brothers are psychopaths:The Krays and Koch Brothers

        Click Here: Catalog of Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs

        7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
        2  7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
        abuse hypnosis binaural audio cds

        weight training, weight loss, weight lifting, bodybuilding, crossfit, weightloss  hypnosis binaural audio cds

        Gateway Articles linking to Article Series of 4-12 Parts:

           tell 10 of bully signs, Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder mental health, political vampire gangsters pirates, stop bullies, stop bully trump, trump liar deceit news,
          border tax · dr. evil · scorched earth

          Trump Scorched Earth

          Trump Scorched Earth: You can pay 20% more for your new car

          You can pay 20% more for your new car

          Trump Scorched Earth Policy series
           Its a Mini Me Scorched Earth:
          American Small Businesses:
          Trumps Border Tax Increase
                    Narcissists: killers of  souls
              Psychopaths: killers of  the innocent
                                     more  @

          Trump Scorched Earth: You can pay 20% more for your new car     You can pay 20% more for your new car    Trump Scorched Earth Policy series    Its a Mini Me Scorched Earth: American Small Businesses: Trumps Border Tax Increase
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          latest news Trump Border Tax

          Those most affected, because of their higher level of imports as compared to gross domestic product, were found to be Michigan, Louisiana, Tennessee, New Jersey, Kentucky, South Carolina, Illinois, Texas, Georgia and California.

          An industry study found that most automakers would need to raise vehicle prices by thousands of dollars to recoup higher costs associated with the tax.
          The National Automobile Dealers Association and the American International Automobile Dealers Association have both come out against the proposal, while the two biggest U.S. automakers have expressed differing views.

          Companies Split
          Mary Barra, chief executive officer for General Motors Co., said in February that the BAT could be “harmful” if not done thoughtfully and warned of unintended consequences. Mark Fields, Ford’s chief executive officer, in January called the proposal “very intriguing” for his company because it’s the largest producer of vehicles in the U.S. and a top exporter.
          Japanese, German and Korean carmakers would likely get hit even harder by the tax than most U.S. manufacturers. Some of the states in the study’s top 10 list are home to their plants, including Tennessee (Volkswagen), Kentucky (Toyota), Illinois (Subaru), Texas (Toyota) and Georgia (Kia).

          If you’re stealing billyuns of dollars from the poor annually, would that 20% tax hurt you? Likely not. Dr. Evil Billions video clip:

          Click Here: Catalog of Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs

          7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
          2  7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
          abuse hypnosis binaural audio cds

          weight training, weight loss, weight lifting, bodybuilding, crossfit, weightloss  hypnosis binaural audio cds

          Gateway Articles linking to Article Series of 4-12 Parts:

             tell 10 of bully signs, Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder mental health, political vampire gangsters pirates, stop bullies, stop bully trump, trump liar deceit news,
            assad · chechnya · children · killed sarin gas · psychopath · syria · trump

            Putin Puppet Party

            It’s a Putin and Trump Pals Festival: Putin’s Chechen Puppet: rounding up, killing gays.

            ramzan kadyrov: It's a Putin and Trump Pals Festival: Putin's Chechen Puppet: rounding up, killing gays.

              Chechnya Russian Republic
               rounds up 100 gays, kills 3        
                      Narcissists: killers of  souls
                Psychopaths: killers of  the innocent
                                       more  @

                 Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov

            Click Here: Catalog of Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs

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            2  7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
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            weight training, weight loss, weight lifting, bodybuilding, crossfit, weightloss  hypnosis binaural audio cds

            Gateway Articles linking to Article Series of 4-12 Parts:

               tell 10 of bully signs, Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder mental health, political vampire gangsters pirates, stop bullies, stop bully trump, trump liar deceit news,
              Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder · fbi · first nations · national parks · native american · yellowstone

              Bye Bye Nature

              Pt 6 Donald Trump Begins to Symbolically Behead National Parks, Dept of Justice, FBI, Native Americans, our Rivers

              Pt 6 Donald Trump Begins to Symbolically Behead National Parks, Dept of Justice, FBI, Native Americans, our Rivers

              Pt 6 Donald Trump Begins to Symbolically Behead National Parks, Dept of Justice, FBI, Native Americans, our Rivers
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              With our current President Narcissist Personality Disorder Donald Trump:

              1. there was an impulsive plan week 1 of his presidency, drawn into document, that would set up 10,000 National Guard Troops to stop the violence in Chicago. The violence and murders there are great, as figures show. This is in opposition to the rest of the country where per capita crime is down nationwide in the USA, though Trump said, in an embellished lie, that it is the worst in 30 years.

              Pt 6 Donald Trump Begins to Symbolically Behead National Parks, Dept of Justice, FBI, Native Americans, our Rivers

              Still, violent crime is on the edge in Chicago. But, Trump’s plan did not in fact have contact with the Mayor of Chicago, the Governor, the Military or National Guard, Experts. There was also no plan or protocol.

              The problems were these, as demonstrates EVERY contact and plan of the NPD:
              1. there was no collaboration
              2. no experts were enlisted
              3. National Guards forces are NOT urban trained: they would be killed, there would be major battles, and civilians would be killed. Many. This then would justify the NPD moving in more force
              4. no other alternatives or solutions were considered: including any plan to ammeliorate the base problems, the causes of the violence including poverty and no access to jobs and opportunities affored to White Americans.
              5. the plan was dictatorial, violent paternalistic, hostile, aggressive


              6. futile: NPD violence just begets violence

              Violent take over, subjugation, and stopping the voices of even the criminals, smacks of old African Black Slavery.

              History only shows, that if the slaves can’t escape via some Underground Railroad, that they internatlize that, and later, in 2017 express that 400 years of subjugation in violence in suburbs of Chicago.  It does come out, now or later. But, that won’t stop Donald Trump from acting Unilaterally and Aggressively. Remember though, why does he even consider a plan like this for Chicago……..

              Follow the Money
              Follow what Influence it brings

              It’s all about I ME MY MINE
              But, it all meets the NPD’s SuperGoal: I get the gold. I’m really just a pirate in a $5,000 suit (and, hehe, Chinese made tie).

              7 Parts of Full Article: the Symbolic Beheadings, Part and Parcel of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder

              Hey, if you’re reading this could you do me a favor? Google Plus this off the right, and click below for Twitter and FB: friend, or follow. Thanks, Otherwise, the articles just sit in digitital oblivion. And, See the card below, Tell 10 the 3 Super Villain Traits of all Narcissistic Personality disorder persons worldwide, in myth, story, and your neighbors and President!

              Pt 6 Donald Trump Begins to Symbolically Behead National Parks, Dept of Justice, FBI, Native Americans, our Rivers

              Be sure to check back or sign for postings emailed. If you sign up for postings by email, nobody will ever see your email address as this blog is managed by blogspot Google. Not even me. To reach me, and I’ll see your email then, use the email me form. TY

              Pass this on to 10:

              Pt 6 Donald Trump Begins to Symbolically Behead National Parks, Dept of Justice, FBI, Native Americans, our Rivers

              Sign up or check back daily as at least 2 articles are being posted daily.

              Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D.
              Somewhere in the Sagebrush in Idaho

              retired clinical therapist
              symbologist and reader of myth, world culture, and more

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 1

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 2

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 3

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 4

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 5

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 6

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 7

              Pt 6 Donald Trump Begins to Symbolically Behead National Parks, Dept of Justice, FBI, Native Americans, our Rivers

              Pt 6 Donald Trump Begins to Symbolically Behead National Parks, Dept of Justice, FBI, Native Americans, our Rivers

              While this website weaves parody of the trickster, and the sharp edge of the warrior archetypes, Books and Presentations are not parody at all, but cover the characteristics and dangers of the bully narcissist and psychopathic politicians.

              This is a very serious matter, then, because both persons, most often men, can take either the soul of others, create PTSD that even leads to suicide, bully and marginalize all, enslave, and with the worst dictators, kill.

              Dr. Bunch may be available for presentations on this. 

              45 minute presentations
              80 minute presentations for conferences

              And workshops, viewing the bully from different contexts:

              damage to others
              field guide to characteristics of lies, cons, deceit
              what motivates the 

              Presentations will be geared to your audience.

               Some Guidelines:

              1. your group is interested in introduction or training on the topics. Members may be 12 and up, if truly interested in the presentation… seat fillers please.

              2. your group has 15 or more persons that are members of your group, and known to you

              3. you will provide facilities, and if needed, AV equipment

              4. due to the controversy of the topic, particularly in conservative Idaho, presentations are not open public talks, and you’ll demonstrate control of that situation.

              5. while 1 or 2 parody slides may be used, parody and humor are not the base for 

              6. If you’re arranging the presentation, you should have obtained the last 5 books or Kindle by Dr. Bunch. You should also offer to participants in advance access to the Kindle book Psychopathic Politicians so they may be prepared for the talk.

              7. Costs

              No Charge, voluntary honorarium to cover local travel and preparation time accepted by not required:
              Local small non-profit groups, civil rights, women’s rights, Hispanic / Immigrant Rights, Black Rights, and  budding grassroots groups (not yet non-profit) with 15 or more interested participants

              Arranged Fee
              1 Workshops of afternoon up to weekend.
              2. Talks for
              All other groups, national non-profits, hospitals, fees will be arranged on a “typical” fee for trainers and their expenses.

              Dr. Bunch will offer some books for purchase at presentations, but presentations are not “book presentations”. Books are made available for convenience. The talks are truly all about my passing on easily understood information and fast use tools to know and flee the pirates in life. 

              Contact me via the contact form on this page for further info.

              Dr. Bunch

              Political Psychopaths and Donald Trump: books by Charles K Bunch phd at


              Political Psychopaths and Donald Trump psychopath bully narcissist books by Charles K Bunch phd at

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              Bannon gangster · NPD abuse · Off with their heads · trump gold plunder riches

              Beheading the Soul of a Person

              How many beheadings does it take?

              “One is often good”, the narcissist says, but there is a full plan of the Narcissistic Building Structure of I, Me, My, and MINE, and the use of emotional and real violence of any NPD or Bully.

              “Two is better”.  No, don’t stop there. The NPD has a full campaign of “strategic beheadings of the plan. The plan is:

              Build the NPD structure, building of lies and deceit
              Divide and Conquer: behead the infidels, use fear of death
              Mesmerize the unaware like the vampire’s glamor, “zombify” if you will use the metaphor
              Vet and build your minions (willing spokespersons who may just be tossed in the future (Kellyanne Conway, Paul Ryan, Sean Spicer are some examples of this, minions)
              Have occasional confabs with other Pirates, though you don’t like them and likely will figure out how to steal, overpower, or kill the other pirates. Meet in some Caribbean Pirate Resort, which actually happened in history, but is also portrayed in the website’s selected video: Pirates of the Caribbean from Disneyland.

              Then, see that all of this serves I Me MY Mine, that you get your bags of gold, loot, wood and gold decked Jet, and more. Stuff, Gold, money, jets, yachts, villas, islands, land, property, countries.

              Removing the head from the body

              Bannon gangster, political beheadings, trump gold plunder riches, NPD abuse, Off with their heads,

              Bannon gangster, political beheadings, trump gold plunder riches, NPD abuse, Off with their heads,

              7 Parts of Full Article: the Symbolic Beheadings, Part and Parcel of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder

              Hey, if you’re reading this could you do me a favor? Google Plus this off the right, and click below for Twitter and FB: friend, or follow. Thanks, Otherwise, the articles just sit in digitital oblivion. And, See the card below, Tell 10 the 3 Super Villain Traits of all Narcissistic Personality disorder persons worldwide, in myth, story, and your neighbors and President!

              Bannon gangster, political beheadings, trump gold plunder riches, NPD abuse, Off with their heads,

              Be sure to check back or sign for postings emailed. If you sign up for postings by email, nobody will ever see your email address as this blog is managed by blogspot Google. Not even me. To reach me, and I’ll see your email then, use the email me form. TY

              Pass this on to 10:

              Bannon gangster, political beheadings, trump gold plunder riches, NPD abuse, Off with their heads,

              Sign up or check back daily as at least 2 articles are being posted daily.

              Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D.
              Somewhere in the Sagebrush in Idaho

              retired clinical therapist
              symbologist and reader of myth, world culture, and more

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 1

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 2

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 3

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 4

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 5

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 6

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 7

              Bannon gangster, political beheadings, trump gold plunder riches, NPD abuse, Off with their heads,

              Bannon gangster, political beheadings, trump gold plunder riches, NPD abuse, Off with their heads,

              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll · Harry potter behead buckbeak · Queen of Hearts · trump bully · trump destroy · Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads

              Narcissistic values!

              Monday Metaphor: Heads will “roll”, and “off with their heads”…..narcissistic values explored through some funny graphics. But, humor mirrors the truth. Often, humor is “the truth overdone” or told to an extreme. It takes a point and “runs with it”.

              But, in the case of “heads will roll” and “off with their heads”, WHEN DOES REALITY EXCEED HUMOR?

              It always does with the Narcissist, the person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, because, the “tossing away” or “actually killing of others”…… the actual norm.

              NPD is to be known and feared!

              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

              There are two ways death occurs. First, the metaphor says there is “cutting off the head”. This is, as demonstrated in mythology, the only way you can kill a person who might be willingly in your presence: a friend, an infidel. There are of course, all Narcissists, war campaigns, mass murders, and genocides (all at the hands again, and repeated here: by Narcissistic Personality Disorder persons). But, a person near you will get the head axed or to the guillotine. Why. Why in history with poisons, spears, and pushing off a cliff, is beheading chosen?

              Beheading is symbolic of “ending the mind of the person”. You can kill a person, but if you behead them, you cut off the head and brain, the mind.  This mind has thoughts, rebellions, opinions. In beheading, that seat or center of the thought is cut off. And, though it never truly ended that person’s influence of thoughts, imaginations, ideas, and often rebellion (which is “self determination” and “questioning”),  it did so just symbolically, or metaphorically for that destroyer.

              The beheading, could be done privately or secretly if an infidel’s “disappearance” is part of the plan: remove that head, and remove that influence from my circle of influence. Often, beheadings were done publicly, as a threat. Fear is imposed on the masses by just one beheading.

              “fast, cheap, dramatic, and permanent”
              “news of it, the beheading, and the power of the Tyrant, is spread fast, by whispers or social media, word travels like lightening.”

              Because of that, beheadings are a very powerful tool. The person doesn’t have to be Vlad the Impaler who speared all his victims (sometimes Vlad is called “one of the grandfather vampires” because he was so blood thirsty, a Narcissist Personality Disorder that was also a Psychopath / Sociopath). Beheadings just made good “business sense”: they’re fast, spread the message quickly and strike others and indeed all  at core fears: do this and die. And, dying is something that humans instinctually panic and fear. Even if one has some “intellectually” or rational reason to not fear the bully, the mind of instinct takes over:

              Fear. Panic.  Wild Imaginations of one’s death comes flashes in vivid imagery, which is a method our mind and brain use to protect us from harm. This vivid imagery method is the mind’s dedication to our own survival. We see this vivid imagery demonstrated in child hood fears of the dark, heights, enclosed places, and strangers. We see this in some common adult phobias of snakes and spiders. PTSD victims, post trauma stress disorder, such as rape, bully, or war / veterans see this brain function in their flashbacks which are vivid, detailed, and emotionally linked memories that occur at most times of the day for them.

              So, how many does it take?

              1. Iranians behead gays turned in by families, and beheads family members who hid the truth about a gay family member 

              2. ISIS beheads via live internet broadcast: hostages, reporters, the innocent

              3. African radicals of all types behead with the giant sword blade:

              1. any party perceived as a victim easily overpowered and used as an example, vilified, and scapegoated, including:
              2. all persons not of their religion, including non-radicalized Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc.  
              3. all persons of ethnic and indigenous religions, including in Africa, Indigenous Yoruba followers (which is widespread in Africa and parts of Brazil)
              4. women, any woman with a voice, women refusing female circumcision or those who oppose the subjugation of women, either their enslavement or rejection of female circumcision (genital mutilation).
              5. any foreigner
              6. any person with democratic views
              7. any person with a different or modified view differing from the tyrant 
              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

              grumpy cat, Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,
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              7 Parts of Full Article: the Symbolic Beheadings, Part and Parcel of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder

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              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,
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              Disney Queen of Hearts heads will roll, Trump Queen of Hearts Off with their heads, Queen of Hearts, trump destroy, trump bully, Harry potter behead buckbeak,

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              Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D.
              Somewhere in the Sagebrush in Idaho

              retired clinical therapist
              symbologist and reader of myth, world culture, and more

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 1

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 2

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 3

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 4

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 5

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 6

              Donald Trump Heads Will Roll: Symbolism and Metaphor of Beheading Series Part: 7