ira · seniors · trump thief · workers

It’s National Trump Thief Day: Celebrate

It’s National Trump Thief Day: Celebrate

pirate: It's National Trump Thief Day: Celebrate

It's National Trump Thief Day: Celebrate Piracy

Treasury ends the myRA, Obama’s retirement savings program

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) – The Treasury Department said Friday that it will end an Obama-era program called myRA that created accounts aimed to help Americans start saving for retirement.

While costs and low interest are used as the excuse, there was little Government Information on this for the 55 million employed with no 401k and seniors with no IRA program….all the while Donald Trump spent $200 million on trips promoting his own properties in the first months of presidency: 100 trips to his properties and not promoting other US businesses on those trips!

See below in the giant topic cloud: Stealing from the poor to benefit I ME MINE: Robin Hood in Reverse.

Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs

7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
aca · health care · manic mondays · shit storm. · thief · threatens · unhinged saturdays

Manic Mondays are now Shit Storm Saturdays in Trumpland

Manic Mondays are now Shit Storm Saturdays in Trumpland

Randomly selected from over 10 Bizarre stories from Trumpland this very day…..

Trump threatens to end ObamaCare payments unless repeal passes


from The Hill


President Trump on Saturday threatened to end key payments to insurance companies made under Obamacare if a repeal and replace bill is not passed.
“After seven years of ‘talking’ Repeal & Replace, the people of our great country are still being forced to live with imploding ObamaCare!” the president wrote in a tweet.
“If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” he added.



Manic Mondays are now Shit Storm Saturdays in Trumpland    Randomly selected from over 10 Bizarre stories from Trumpland this very day..... Trump threatens to end ObamaCare payments unless repeal passes


Trump Goes off his meds?

Trump Goes off his meds?

Off his meds?  He wasn’t taking any.

 Summer Mania plus Psychopathy:

Trump Goes off his meds?    Off his meds?  He wasn't taking any.   Summer Mania plus Psychopathy:        When Psychopaths Have Summer Mania: Trump & Kim Jong-Un   You have explosion

When Psychopaths Have Summer Mania: Trump & Kim Jong-Un

You have explosions:

A. Kim Jong-Un a summer mania of grandiosity and missile launches

B. Donald Trump: anger, attacks, grandiosity, hyperactivity, increased impulsiveness

C. Scaramucci……..just check his tweets: vulgar, attacks, grandiose, wife leaving him, threatens to fire all.

Yes, when Psychopaths have summer mania, related to summer blue light stimulation of bipolar disorder mania, all manic behaviors are increased.

For more information on this, see:

blue light causing summer mania: donald trump, kim jong-un, scaramucci,

hypomania · scaramucci · summer hypomania · summer mania · trump kim jong-un mania

When Psychopaths Have Summer Mania: Trump & Kim Jong-Un

When Psychopaths Have Summer Mania: Trump & Kim Jong-Un

You have explosions:

A. Kim Jong-Un a summer mania of grandiosity and missile launches

B. Donald Trump: anger, attacks, grandiosity, hyperactivity, increased impulsiveness

C. Scaramucci……..just check his tweets: vulgar, attacks, grandiose, wife leaving him, threatens to fire all.

Yes, when Psychopaths have summer mania, related to summer blue light stimulation of bipolar disorder mania, all manic behaviors are increased.

For more information on this, see:

blue light causing summer mania: donald trump, kim jong-un, scaramucci,

film · france · germany · goebbels · hitler · peace · prison camp · war

La Grande Illusion of War: Goebbels

rand Illusion is routinely called ‘one of the greatest movies ever made’. A powerful anti-war film about French soldiers who are prisoners in a German camp during World War One, the film’s director Jean Renoir wanted to show that there really wasn’t much difference between the two sides.But the film was released in 1937, as another war was just on the horizon. The Nazis promptly banned Grand Illusion for its pacifism. As it became clear that World War Two was inevitable, the French government did the same – the film’s message that national boundaries are illusions wasn’t conducive to a fighting spirit.
Grand Illusion is now celebrating its 80th anniversary. To commemorate the occasion, BBC Culture’s Christian Blauvelt looks at how the film’s call for a borderless world is still relevant today. Watch the video above to find out more.

BBC Video about La Grande Illusion:

La Grande Illusion: Greatest Enemy of War, Goebbels 


The anti-war film Goebbels feared

The Nazi propagandist called it ‘cinematic public enemy No 1’. But the Allies disliked Grand Illusion too. It’s still powerful, says Christian Blauvelt.  Video:

film  anniversary La Grande Illusion, poster

watch at Youtube $1.99

watch at $3.99 one month rental

There are many excellent articles on this film, including:

by Bryant Frazer If you watch it cold, the opening scenes of La Grande Illusion (hereafter Grand Illusion) make for a confounding experience. The film opens in a French canteen, equipped with bar and phonograph player, where an aristocratic captain calls a working-class lieutenant to accompany him on a routine reconnaissance mission. One short dissolve later, without even the narrative pleasantry of a stock-footage flight over enemy territory, we’re in a German canteen, equipped with bar and phonograph player, where an aristocratic captain announces that he’s shot down an enemy plane. Another fade-out, and the Frenchmen are quickly welcomed at the German dinner table. The German captain even apologizes for the French lieutenant’s broken arm.

As theatres of war go, this one looks exceptionally polite. On my first viewing of Grand Illusion, I found the dynamic baffling. These days, it puts me in mind of Dr. Strangelove‘s famous proscription against fighting in the war room. The difference is that the men in Kubrick’s command centre are strategists, while those in Renoir’s film are soldiers. Kubrick mocks the architects and executors of the Cold War; Renoir treats the officers of World War I with respect and affection.

rest of article:

political zombies · psychopath trump · psychopathic dictators · see no evil hear no evil know no evil

No is Not Enough: War Shocked Heroes of the Week

 Understanding Psychopathic Politicians:

1. Knowledge is an American Value
2. Ignoring is not

Creative Civil Disobedience for All

No is Not Enough: War Shocked Heroes of the Week

Psychopathic politicians go by many names, including those in the title of this very blog and many defined in the Topic Cloud below of articles:

Thieves, mobsters, gangsters

Wealthy Elitist
Cruel Dictators
Killer Psychopaths

trump gop vampires zombies gangsters: meme of hear no evil see no evil know no evil

There is NO room to be naive or tolerant of psychopaths: they take, and kill. See the topic cloud for ratings of different levels of psychopathy and the Evil Malevolent Triad of: psychopaths, dangerous narcissists, and machiavellianism (glib taking from others, and glib reactions to their suffering).

Psychopaths take, and kill. Putin has indirectly, by decree, killed thousands. There is a direct killing, an indirect killing, and a killing of the soul, as done by all psychopaths.

Donald Trump ranks 34 pts on the scale of 40 points of Psychopathy.

3 taking a stand this week:

mccain, murkowsky, collins vote no on senate health care repeal against trump and gop
civil disobedience · congress · gop · hero · no is not enough · take a stand · vote

John McCain, Veteran of Two Wars

John McCain Stood Up: You Can Too!
        Find YOUR Own Creative Civil Disobedience 

John McCain stands up to Trump and says NO 2 times this week:
1. No to bad health care repeal
2. No to banning transgenders, people volunteering to risk their life for this country, from active duty military service.

   “Donald Trump is at War, just as any Political
      Psychopath is, against HIS OWN PEOPLE”
  War Strategies @

A war Hero Twice:

1. Prisoner Vietnam War
2. War against Psychopathic Politician Donald Trump, and the take over of US Government by a Russian Style Elitist wealthy oligarchy.

See below in the topic cloud:

  • war strategies against one’s own people
  • oligarch oligarchy, what it is
  • and 1984 George Orwell references

John McCain arizona, war prisoner, stands up to donald trump gop healthcare vote

John McCain, war prisoner story

John McCain’s capture and imprisonment began on October 26, 1967. He was flying his twenty-third bombing mission over North Vietnam, when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a Soviet-made SA-2 anti-aircraft missile over Hanoi. McCain fractured both arms and a leg, and then nearly drowned when he parachuted into Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi. After he regained consciousness, a mob gathered around, spat on him, kicked him, and stripped him of his clothes. Others crushed his shoulder with the butt of a rifle and bayoneted him in his left foot and abdominal area; he was then transported to Hanoi’s main Hoa Loa Prison, nicknamed the “Hanoi Hilton” by American POWs.
Although McCain was badly wounded, his captors refused to give him medical care unless he gave them military information, beating and interrogating him. Only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a top admiral did they give him medical care and announced his capture. His status as a POW made the front pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post.
McCain spent six weeks in the Hoa Loa hospital, receiving marginal care.[34] Now having lost 50 pounds, in a chest cast, and with his hair turned white,[34] McCain was sent to a different camp on the outskirts of Hanoi in December 1967, into a cell with two other Americans who did not expect him to live a week; they nursed McCain and kept him alive. In March 1968, McCain was put into solitary confinement, where he would remain for two years.

Rest of article here:

ban · chiefs of staff · daffy duck · generals · hitler · liar · meme · poo emoji · prejudice · transgender

Did Trump Consult on Transgenders with General Poo Imoji??

“I spoke with my Generals about banning Transgenders”

Though All Chief of Staff Deny this…..

Did Trump Consult on Transgenders with General Poo Imoji??

More Daffy Donald is Manic

meme joint chiefs of staff deny Did Trump Consult on Transgenders with General Poo Imoji??
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1984 · free press · hispanics · marginalization · non-christian religions · satan · transgender · trump hitler kim jong-un · wwll

Trump Trans Ban: 1984…ur, uh…1940

Banning  and Marginalizing:
*Gays (Trans)
*Non-Christian Religions
*Blacks and Hispanics
*The Free Press

Satan is in the White House
The Donald Trump

Trump Trans Ban: 1984…ur, uh…1940

1984 · alternate truths and alternate realities · articles · crimestop · dystopia · george orwell · reality control · thrown under bus · trump guide

Can you define these terms from Orwell’s 1984: doublespeak, crimestop, alternative facts, reality contro

Kudos on this excellent article/guide. See the full article, save it, pass it on, print it, post it to FB (Dr. Bunch)

Why we all need to read – and reread – ‘1984’


1984 quotes ignorance war peace
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orwell 1984 big brother donald trump is watching you
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George Orwell’s 1984 Decodes Trump in 7 Articles You Need Today

Article 4

This is the method the totalitarian state uses in 1984 to control the populace by eroding their ability and willingness to question what they are told.
The confusion and apathy caused by conflicting information was encouraged by Conway’s declaration: “There’s no way to quantify crowds, we all know that.”
A similar situation was seen in the recent UK referendum when the onslaught of completely contradictory opinions and “facts” resulted in many people aggressively disregarding anything that was said by an “expert.”
Combined with the natural human aversion to hearing anything which contradicts what you believe, or simply want to believe, and this can easily become a potent tool of oppression and control.
1984 filmSG

The film version of 1984 presents a bleak future

This is the concept of persuading people to accept two totally opposed concepts or facts, alternative or otherwise.
Donald Trump has declared that up to three million illegal voters tainted the recent election and has launched a federal investigation. Yet this also undermines the legitimacy of the election which propelled him to power.
He has also declared that his victory was “historic” and yet, similarly, investigating it would undermine that assertion by implying the result was tainted.
Through an Orwellian lens, the President seems to be displaying the ability to only believe whatever suits each individual thought, no matter if they contradict each other.

This is the way that the government in Orwell’s bleak vision shapes the past, present and future to fit its own narrative, until historical facts become irrelevant and forgotten.
By asserting that he is investigating his previous, unsubstantiated, claims of voter fraud, Trump presents those claims as an established fact that need a response. This begins to establish an alternate reality, unchallenged by people who do not wish to question or face uncomfortable truths. Similarly, the dismissal of media reports over the size of the crowds creates a new reality and undermines anyone who challenges its world view.
We all know that ‘history is written by the victors’ but the Party slogan in 1984 is suddenly even more chilling: “Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past.”
1984 filmSG

In 1984 the populace do not question whatever they are told

Science and the scientific demand for empirical facts are a distant memory in 1984. anything based on observation, analysis and quantifiable evidence is an anathema to a system which wishes to keep its populace passive and compliant.
Some observers raised another Orwellian alarm when Trump issued a gag order on January 24 to prevent the US Environmental Protection Agency from releasing any information about their research to the public.
As science, technology and the internet drive the modern world, we live in the Information Age.
What would happen if a government sought to control, suppress and undermine the information we receive?

Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs